



而休斯顿的夏天带来了高温和潮湿, don't let the heat keep you from enjoying the vibrant array of activities the city has to offer. From splashing around in water parks to exploring lush green spaces and indulging in cultural experiences, Houston provides countless ways to stay entertained and cool during the hot summer months. 以下是休斯顿最佳夏季活动指南.  

探索公园 & 绿色空间 

Houston boasts over 300 parks and 200 green spaces, providing an abundance of fun summer activities. 在市中心, 发现绿色 stands out with its free fitness classes, movie screenings and 飞溅垫. 街市广场及公园, 位于休斯顿的历史街区, 另一个夏季娱乐的热点是什么, 毯子宾果游戏, 星空下的现场音乐和电影. 此外, 布法罗河口公园, 城市最大的绿地之一, 提供沿河口乘船游览, an immersive tour of a historic underground cistern and is an ideal gathering place for picnics, 遛狗和家庭出游. 


当夏天变得太热的时候, 你可以在休斯顿的博物馆区找到完美的逃避. 这里有世界一流的博物馆,比如 美术博物馆 (MFAH) 休斯顿自然科学博物馆休斯顿儿童博物馆, the district offers interactive exhibits and educational experiences for all ages. 此外,区内还有 河口湾收藏和花园这是MFAH的美国装饰艺术和绘画博物馆. For more interactive experiences, Houston also boasts attractions like the 幻想博物馆, 猫叫狼颜色工厂.  


参观 休斯顿动物园, 坐落在赫尔曼公园, 提供了一个机会,探索超过6,000只动物和许多互动展览, 包括 加拉帕戈斯群岛. 运动爱好者可以抓住机会 阿斯特罗斯 美汁源公园的比赛, where the lively atmosphere and thrilling baseball action make for an unforgettable experience. 对于那些对太空着迷的人来说, 休斯顿航天中心 提供一个身临其境的NASA世界之旅, 展品以真实的宇宙飞船为特色, 宇航员邂逅和约翰逊航天中心的有轨电车之旅. 


想在这个夏天避暑? The greater Houston region boasts a vast portfolio of thrilling waterparks. 六旗飓风港飞溅镇, 休斯顿最大的水上乐园, 拥有近20个游乐设施和景点, 包括高速水滑梯, 一个互动的儿童区等等. 其他大型水上乐园包括 台风德州 在凯蒂和 Schlitterbahn 在加尔维斯顿岛上. 此外,纽卡尼还拥有 大河水上乐园 & 冒险, which offers 水滑道, roller coasters, an inflatable water obstacle course and ziplining.  


离休斯顿只有很短的车程, 加尔维斯顿岛有美丽的海滩, 历史遗迹和各种户外活动. Spend a day lounging on the sandy shores, take a stroll along the Seawall or visit local shops on 斯特兰德大街. 想玩游乐设施和游戏,可以去加尔维斯顿岛历史博物馆 快乐码头. 岛上还有 喜怒无常的花园,在这里你可以探索一个1.500万加仑的水族馆, a rainforest exhibit featuring exotic plants and animals and relax on Palm Beach, 有一条慵懒河的海滨度假胜地, 波池, 水滑道, 防溅垫和海滨小屋. 

了解更多关于 住在休斯敦



Growth in 春天的分支 Driving New Developments, Businesses to the Area

一度以乡村魅力和农业遗产为特色, 春天的分支, 坐落在休斯顿的中心, 经历了重大的转变, 发展成为一个繁华的社区.  在过去十年中, 春天的分支的人口显著增加, 从107开始,271 to 120,667居民, 根据春枝管理区(SBMD). 坐落在休斯敦主干道的十字路口- 10号州际公路, 环城公路8, Highway 290 和 610 Loop - 春天的分支 provides accessibility to some of the city’s busiest areas. The area is also strategically positioned near the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Corridor, Downtown and Memorial. 这种大幅增长, 再加上无缝的城市连接, has positioned it as an attractive destination for new developments and businesses.   单击展开 威特道重建计划 Last year, the Witte Road Redevelopment project was completed, converting a former 1.53-acre warehouse on Witte and Westview roads into a neighborhood hotspot for dining and retail. 该开发项目以两个旗舰Underbelly Hospitality概念为特色, 野生燕麦和下腹部汉堡, 在诱饵旁边, 一个广阔的室外酒吧与沙排球场.  休斯顿新发现的合作伙伴, 一家新的商业房地产公司, 最近还重新开发了一个28,500-square-foot industrial building at 1106 Witte Road into an innovative, 单层办公发展. The building now serves as Newfound’s headquarters and is also home to Cannon Field, 莱格公司, On Point Custom 首页s等.   单击展开 MarqE娱乐中心 与此同时,春天的分支的烹饪界也因新皇冠HGA010官方下载而蓬勃发展. 值得注意的是, 克里斯汀•哈, 第三季的冠军, 未揭开的肚子, 一个新颖的得来速三明治概念, 去年. 飞行员披萨 & Drafthouse and SeaSide Poke were unveiled this year as the latest additions to 春天的分支's MarqE娱乐中心. 此外, beloved Heights hand-rolled sushi eatery Hando and a new cafe venture by the owners of Urban Eats, 被称为盐 & Sugar, are expanding into the area.   单击展开 春枝小径 在持续的成长和发展中, 春天的分支 remains committed to elevating its quality of life through the enhancement of parks, 绿地及小径. SBMD recently announced that construction is set to commence this summer on a 1-mile concrete stretch that will connect two existing hike-and-bike trails – Emnora and 春天的分支.   预计将于2025年完工, this project marks the third phase of SBMD's comprehensive strategy to link the Addicks Reservoir near 环城公路8 with the White Oak Bayou Greenway. 最初阶段于2020年完成,引入了2.4英里的春枝小径, with the second phase set to expand upon this trail once nearby utility tower work concludes.  单击展开 哈登公园效果图 此外, SBMD正在努力振兴哈登公园, which spans 13-acres at the northeast corner of Long Point and Witte Road. 根据SBMB的2024年总体规划, 这个项目, 预计将于2025年开始建设, 会增加活动草坪吗, 狗公园, 飞溅垫, 树屋, pickleball法院, 操场和公共艺术设施, 以及对现有基础设施的其他改进.  探索休斯顿的街区和社区.  

Greater Houston Partnership Recognized Among Site Selection Magazine’s Top Groups

The Greater Houston Partnership has been awarded Site Selection Magazine’s Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 for its outstanding regional economic development performance in 2023. Widely considered to be the gold standard recognition for regions from the industry’s top trade publication, 该奖项是根据以下标准颁发的:  总项目 与公司设施项目相关的总投资 与这些公司设施项目相关的总工作岗位 这三个指标的人均计算  "Receiving the Mac Conway Award for Excellence in 经济发展 is not just a recognition of our region’s achievements; it's a testament to our commitment to creating opportunity in Houston,史蒂夫·基恩说, 合伙公司的总裁兼首席执行官. “这是休斯顿的团队努力, and we are delighted to work with our partner economic development groups across the region to tell the world about Houston and attract new jobs and investment to our community.”  This is the Partnership’s first win since 2021 and 15th time winning the award. 该伙伴关系曾在2007年获得荣誉奖, 2016年和2017年, bringing the Partnership’s total number of appearances in Site Selection’s top group rankings to 18 since its inception in 1989.  “I am very proud of our organization's recognition of the prestigious Mac Conway Award for Excellence,克雷格·罗兹说, 经济发展部高级副总裁. “It's a testament to the collaborative efforts with our partners across the 12-county region, and it motivates our team to continue our mission of driving inclusive prosperity and creating meaningful opportunities for all."  在2023年取得重大经济发展胜利之后, the greater Houston region has gotten off to a strong start in the first quarter of 2024, 新增139个皇冠HGA010官方下载公告.  A total of 40 businesses established new facilities in the Houston area while 97 projects were an expansion of existing Houston-area facilities. 制造业占公告的32%, 与专业, 科技服务业排名第二(17%).  了解更多公司选择休斯顿的原因.



艺术 & 体育论坛

Houston's arts and sports scenes offer residents and visitors an unparalleled cultural tapestry. 从世界级的博物馆到激动人心的体育赛事, 这种融合创造了一个充满活力的, 多样的氛围……
